エール!やまぐちポータルサイト 海外版


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We are a 'Total Beauty and Esthetic Salon' located a 5-minute walk from Yamaguchi Station. Refresh your tired body with our all-hand massages and take care of your skin with our facial esthetic treatments. Please visit us.
Esthetic salon, massage
Area Around Yamaguchi Station
Good accessibility Cashless payment available Shipping available from stores
Closed days Closed irregularly
Business hours 10:00 〜 19:00
MAP More info


We directly import and sell German wines. Occasionally, we host German wine events at restaurants and hotels in Yamaguchi City. Our sparkling wines (known as Sekt in Germany) have been awarded the 'World's Best Sparkling Wine Producer' for several years.
Food and alcohol
Area North area
Cashless payment available Foreign language support available Shipping available from stores
Closed days Thu.
Business hours 10:00〜18:00
MAP More info
